
Version 5.0 is now available for free download. The link below will bring you to an encrypted link to download an installation package.

Please note: the link is located on a secure site that autumatically provides 2 options: "Open" and "Download". Both options will download the installation file without opening it. You will find the file located in your downloads folder.

The secure site doesn't provide feedback when it is done, so check your downloads to see if the file arrived.

The installation includes all executables and documentation. You can find the user's manual in the MINEQL+ menu Help-> User's Manual. This is a desktop application for Windows.

Click here to download  MINEQL 5.0 for Windows

The following are some resources to get started.

A Quick Introduction to Doing Basic Calculations with MINEQL+(PDF)

Example input data: CaCO3 at Fixed pH 5, Closed Atm

Example input data: CaCO3 at Fixed pH 5, Open Atm

Example input data: CaCO3 Calculated pH, Open Atm

Example input data: CaCO3 Titration pH 4-12, Open Atm


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